Sunday, February 26, 2006


und grad nomol, auftakt zu einer grandiosen pirouette :) Posted by Picasa


Manu und ich am salsa tanzen. man beachte die unglaubliche konzentration Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006



am 8. feb ging ich mit manu und 2 anderen vom Unisport salsakurs (Dominique und Jun) ins Fame Salsa tanzen. Da trafen wir auch gerade noch den Yves und einen fotographen für
tja und nun ist ein foto von mir im internet...

fame needs to start somewhere


noch ein paar interessante links

1. ein link von den Karikaturen, weswegen die halbe welt in aufruhr ist. vergleiche ursache und anlass

2. 200 dinge die man im leben gemacht haben sollte. Man kann verschiedene dinge ankreuzeln und dann auswerten lassen. ich schnitt mit 78 punkten ab. das zeigt mir, dass mein leben wohl noch ganz ok ist :)



Wer besucht eigentlich meinen blog?

Hallo, ich frage mich gerade, wer so meinen blog besucht. Ich weiss von Nchenga, dass sie eine treue Besucherin ist. Merci!!
Und wer sonst noch?
man kann comments abgeben. nämte mich wunder

Great news: (which aren't reall that great anymore)
Meine Thesis wurde angenommen, das heisst ich muss sie nicht nochmals schreiben, phuuuuu.
Ahsante mungu!! (Thanks God)

So, nun muss ich bis Montag noch eine ppt präsentation vorbereiten. Für das Student meeting im Tropeninstitut.

Dann noch ein executive summary schreiben und am 2. mai sind meine mündlichen Prüfungen.
das heisst, ich muss mich in den arsch klemmen und lernen und gleichzeitig stellen suchen....

faith is what is now needed.

Friday, February 17, 2006


picture hosting

hey, apologies for the messy picture alignment. but the programm hello which i use to post the pics messes up the choronolgy.. do not know why..

man, i'm getting ill...


that's how my trousers looked like after the petit balcon sud mission ( the snow was more than knee deep) Posted by Picasa


at the end i finally made my way back to civilzation and was quite relieved. at one point i was at the brink of calling the helicopter to search for me. but i temporarily lost my phone (had to climb up a hill to recuperate it) so i couldn't call them Posted by Picasa


luckily there was a dog who kept following me so i wasn't all by myself. further i could see where the snow was more likely to hold me or where not depending on where he sunk in Posted by Picasa


then i started a major venture to the petit balcon sud to be walking in the sun. problem was that i lost my way and did not see any walking trail sign. further it didn't help that i kept sinking in the snow with every step i took. it was quite scary at times Posted by Picasa


cross country pist Posted by Picasa


at the same time i had this wonderful view of the mountains Posted by Picasa


some more walking Posted by Picasa


on my walk Posted by Picasa


maybe of those two? Posted by Picasa


molly came for a weekend visit from paris. the girls had to make sure that grover would not put up cheesy music AGAIN Posted by Picasa


mikey and me went for a walk and met an interesting man Posted by Picasa


cosy evenings at the chalet (le spouter) having a drink and a pipe Posted by Picasa


ellie was very eager to have some pipe as well Posted by Picasa


grover making fun of something Posted by Picasa


After my massive workexperience doing my master thesis i decided to relax a bit in argentiere which is close to chamonix which in turn is close to the mont blanc Posted by Picasa


again same dinner, different angle (michael, sven, ellie, me, mikey) all english except sven(australian) and me Posted by Picasa


Here at a fondue dinner (Mikey, Grover, Michael, Sven, Ellie) Posted by Picasa


classy pic, isn't it? Posted by Picasa


alles sieht ein wenig anders aus durch die skibrille :) Posted by Picasa


Arosa von oben Posted by Picasa


Imelda und ich geniessen einen Tag im Schnee in Arosa. Das wetter war traumhaft und der schnee auch gut Posted by Picasa


pistes in arosa Posted by Picasa

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