Wednesday, January 04, 2006


God's love - loving God

How must it be for God, waiting for us to love him... He gave us a free will... So he can't force us to do so...
Therefore we can decide whether we want to love him or not (whether it really is a decision or rather a mere emotional drive).
I just recently felt like that.

One can never really force someone else to love him or her.

I can do something good to that person, smile at him or her, give him or her presents. He might be grateful but I can't force him to love me.
That is a decision or a mere emotional drive on his side.

How helpless makes that one feel...
How helpless must God feel. (Well I don't know if he does, but I feel helpless).

It is a mere waiting for this person to turn towards you, look at you and love you...

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