Thursday, January 19, 2006


das ist ein teil unseres TPs am Silvester Gala Diner (ich, Andrea, Betty, Housi, Astrid) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


It is finished!

Today at 17.30 I handed in my master thesis.

I am very happy.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me and thought of me...

in one month i will have the mark

Tuesday, January 17, 2006



today i finished the corrections of my master thesis....
so tomorrow i should have enough time to do the final revision and layouting...

i'm happy, relieved and exhausted..

Monday, January 16, 2006


My master thesis's impact on my body

It seems that the knowledge i acquire while writing this paper has an effect on my body too.
My first wisdom tooth is showing... !!

Es scheint, dass das Wissen welches ich durch die Arbeit an der Master Thesis mir aneigne, eine Auswirkung auf meinen Körper hat (mal abgesehen von der Müdigkeit).

Mein erster Weisheitszahn lugt hervor ...!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


my solitaire score has gone up!

it's now on 4813.

i got 4 days left before handing in my paper.

i am currently writing the discussion (or better... attempting to do so :S )

other than that life is good and i'm looking forward to the time after the thesis

will go to chamonix to see mikey

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


die leiden des jungen werther (ähh der jungen daria)

jetzt sitze ich nun schon seit tagen vor emmanuel, meinem treuen laptop und wir beide haben langsam ermüdungserscheinungen. er braucht lange zum rechnen und ich lange zum studieren.
und abends kann ich dann doch nicht einschlafen, weil sich alles dreht.
deswegen habe ich mir heute valverde schlaftabletten gekauft (erst noch mit studirabatt :)). mal schauen ob die gedanken abends dann weniger kreisen...

heute in einer woche ist abgabetermin..

à plus

Saturday, January 07, 2006


wieso es so lange geht, gute papers zu schreiben

kleine einsicht ins studileben.
wollte für ein statement von mir eine gute referenz finden und das hat glatt 1 stunde gekostet.
Unglaublich wie schnell die zeit vergeht und nur damit ich eine kleine referenz einfügen kann. frust!!

et voilà
Winch PJ, Makemba AM, Makame VR, Mfaume MS, Lynch MC, Premji Z et al.: Social and cultural factors affecting rates of regular retreatment of mosquito nets with insecticide in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Tropical Medicine and International Health 1997, 2 (8): 760-770.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


some pictures of christmas

Below are a few pictures of christmas. well actually mostly of my precious nephew...


enjoying his mum Posted by Picasa


whole family playing pictionary. tizi also stopped by and we forced him to join as well Posted by Picasa


this is my nephew on the first day of a new year Posted by Picasa


even stranger, sean, what are u doing?! Posted by Picasa


close up of sean silas Posted by Picasa


doing some funny faces Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


God's love - loving God

How must it be for God, waiting for us to love him... He gave us a free will... So he can't force us to do so...
Therefore we can decide whether we want to love him or not (whether it really is a decision or rather a mere emotional drive).
I just recently felt like that.

One can never really force someone else to love him or her.

I can do something good to that person, smile at him or her, give him or her presents. He might be grateful but I can't force him to love me.
That is a decision or a mere emotional drive on his side.

How helpless makes that one feel...
How helpless must God feel. (Well I don't know if he does, but I feel helpless).

It is a mere waiting for this person to turn towards you, look at you and love you...


achievement of the morning

Ha, i managed to tame my reference manager, now he is citing my electronic citations the way i want:
|<[04]·Authors>.·|<[03]·Title>.·|<[11]·Source>.·|<[05]·Last·Update>.·|·(<[28]·Access·Date>). doesn't look very impressive but it takes some time to figure it out :)
ok, need to go back to work.

i decided to put down little victories during my writing up period so i can see the good things too :)

so long

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


countdown is counting down

hey. got about 2 weeks left before handing in my master thesis. arrgh.
hope i'll finish until then.
here a pic of my uneventful life :)

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