Saturday, November 26, 2005

trying to do an artsy picture :) these are the roses i got from my flatmates when i came back from tanzania...

after trying to feel a hotwater bottle andy and me both had massive burns on our hands... euceta pic helped me to cool it down and not have a huge blister as andy had a day later

die guten seiten des winters sind...

... marroni yoghurt aus dem migros
... gratis kühlschrank auf dem balkon
... man kann lichterkette im wohnzimmer aufhängen, ohne dass die leute komisch schauen
hier der ausblick aus meinem fenster...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
good old switzerland
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Nothing new under the sun

Ha, i'm back in switzerland since oct 7th and fighting with myself to get all the stuff that i gathered during my stay in tanzania together and get it analysed and write a smart master thesis about it..
VERY hard, especially when you're someone like me who is not good and discipline...
yup. but the nice thing is that i'm back in switzerland and get to hang out with my friends again and have swiss food. also i finally saw my nephew sean. he's very sweet... and i love him and his parents a lot... here a pic of the cutie boy.
other than that i am back at the shared flat with andrea and anita and its nice to have one's own four walls etc...